Analysis Toolpak Excel Mac Download Free

This FREE suite of Excel add-ins contains a collection of analytic tools I developed over the years for instructional purposes. These add-ins are now bundled under a single menu in Excel Add-Ins tab. This version of the suite works with Office 2010 or newer. If you have Office 2007 or older, you can still install the older, independent Add-Ins. In this new suite you will find the following tools, which work with data of reasonable sizes for instructional purposes:

B612 download for mac. If you cannot see Analysis ToolPak in the list then you go to the add-ins available box and browse to locate it. Now if you get that your analysis pack is not installed on your Mac, then click Yes to install it properly. Now you will see that it installed into your Mac excel and you need to quit and restart your Mac excel before that.

  • WordMapWordMap agora fala Português! WordMap también habla Español!
  • Data merge by keys - allows you to merge two sheets by up to three common key-columns. This is something I know how to do using VLOOKUP, but only with a single key column.
  • Scatterplot with labels
  • 3D Scatterplot - simple tool to produce and rotate 3D scatterplots; all you need is a label and three coordinates for each data point.
  • K-means clustering- the good-old workhorse for classifying cases based on continuous data
  • Latent Class Analysis- latent class (or finite mixture) analysis for categorical or ordinal data. It may also be used with interval-scaled (i.e., Likert scale) data.
  • Correspondence Analysis - very popular space-reduction technique in Europe (particularly in France) for categorical data.
  • Principal Components Analysis - another extremely popular space-reduction technique, for continuous data.
  • Dynamic Factor Analysis - similar to Principal Component Analysis, except that the factor scores represent smooth (after filtering out noise) latent trends over time. Great for Trendspotting!.
  • Metric Multidimensional Scaling - a tool for unfolding a symmetric table of distances or dissimilarities between cases into a multidimensional scatterplot.
  • Stepwise Regression - a straightforward linear regression with stepwise selection of predictors.
  • Stochastic Frontier Regression - a linear regression with asymmetric errors.In other words, the regression line is fitted around the top (maximization) or bottom (minimization) of the cloud of points.
  • Logistic Regression - fits a binary logistic regression, but before doing that, allows you to select variables based on their Gini and AUC coefficients.It also allows you to test the predictive performance of your logistic regression on a holdout sample.
  • Local Geographic Regression - Estimates one regression for each data point, using data from its nearest-K neighbors.For this, you must have the coordinates for each data point, which are used to determine the nearest neighbors.
  • Univariate PLS Regression- Performs a space reduction in a set of predictors while simultaneously maximizing the fit to a dependent variable.This is much more sensible than the popular tandem approach of factor-analyzing the predictors and using the factor scores to predict the dependent variable.
  • Multivariate PLS Regression - as extension of PLS Regression, for explaining multiple dependent variables using a set of predictors. Great tool for space reduction, to uncover the latent space that best relates a set of predictors to a multivariate set of dependent variables.
  • Mixture Logit - estimates a random-coefficients multinomial Logit choice model, producing individual-level estimates for the response coefficients.
  • Sliced Average Variance Estimation - Performs a space-reduction in a set of predictors while simultaneously maximizing the fit to a binary dependent variable.Almost (but not quite) a logistic equivalent of PLS regression.
  • Qualitative Data Envelopment Analysis - very flexible DEA tool that allows for qualitative inputs and outputs.
  1. You should now be able to access the Data Analysis command under the Data tab. For Mac Users: In the top menu bar, navigate to Tools Add-ins. You should have a pop-up window on your screen; make sure Analysis ToolPak is checked. If Analysis ToolPak does not appear as one of the Available add-ins, then click Browse to locate it.
  2. Download Microsoft Excel 2016 for Mac to analyze and visualize your data in new and intuitive ways. By Microsoft Free to try Editors. The update also includes an Analysis ToolPak add-in.

Watch my YouTube Tutorials

Download Data Analysis Excel Mac

  • Here's how you install KATE (Kamakura's Analytic Tools for Excel)
  • And here's a tutorial on my WordMap, a word cloud that does more than simply show words in different font sizes
  • You can see my other tutorials here.

How to Install Kamakura's Analytic Tools for Excel
  1. CLICK HERE to download the zip archive.
  2. Unzip the archive into its own folder on your PC (call it anything you want, but remember it so you can unistall later!). IMPORTANT: Only delete or rename this folder after running the Uninstall file.
  3. Read the Readme.pdf document to learn more about the tools and how to proceed with the installation, or even better, watch the Installation Video on YouTube. Follow the directions closely; Excel is pretty finicky about Add-In installations.
  4. Double-click Install Kamakura Analytic Tools to install the suite
  5. Try the examples included in the installation package
  6. Make sure to use Uninstall Kamakura Analytic Tools to uninstall the suite, so you won't leave unattended trash behind.
  7. Please let me know ( if you have any trouble installing or using my tools; I will only know there is a problem if I hear from users (the tools work fine on my machines..)


If you don't see Kamakura Analytic Tools under the AddIns menu (or don't even see Addins), your Excel must be blocking macros from external sources. Then, you need to follow a couple of extra steps.

First, close Excel and find out where you stored the Kamakura Analytic Tooks 2010.xlam file (make sure you get the correct one!).
  • If you are using 32-bit Excel, it is in the Addins subfolder where you unzipped the archive.
  • If you are using 64-bit Excel, it is in the Addins64 subfolder.

Right click the Kamakura Analytic Tooks 2010.xlam file, and you will see something like the figure below:

Analysis Toolpak Excel Mac Download Free Microsoft Office 2010

Then click on Properties and you will see something like the figure below:

Click Unblock and OK, and you should be ready to go. Now open the Kamakura Analytic Example.xlsx file and you should see Kamakura Analytic Tools under the Addins menu.

Foreign Languages

If you are using a version of Office in a language other than English, you may receive an error message during installation indicating that some files necessary for installation were not found. Here is one example (in Portuguese):

Excel Data Analysis Toolpak

This may happen if these files are named in a language other than English. If that's the case, you will need to edit the 'Install Kamakura Analytic Tools. xlsm' file to replace the English names for Analysis ToolPak and for
Analysis ToolPak - VBA with their translated names. Make sure that you also edit the 'Uninstall' file so you can uninstall the tools when you don't need them anymore..

Excel Analysis Toolpak Not Showing

Data used in tutorials